Robert Frost

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

-The Road Not Taken, Last Stanza

Robert Frost


Choroni Beach

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sitting at Venusa

Hola todo el mundo,

Currently I am sitting at the Venezuelan University waiting for "game night" to begin. I had my 6 hour class today 1:30-7:30pm y estoy cansada. This morning I woke up to an eclectic blend of noises. I heard a bunch of construction noises going on because they are working on the building next to my apartment building, and Alvaro was either loudly playing classical music or playing his violin hooked up to a speaker. Buenos dias, haha. Tomorrow I have class at 8:00am-2:00pm y no estoy emocionada por que no soy una persona de la manana. Pues ustedes ya sabian!

I really hope that I can make it through this week with my energy intact & parasite free. The good news is that I only have my 3015 class for one more week after this week! The last three weeks I will have to pretend that I am a happy camper early in the morning because I have class a las 8:00 cada dia. Dios mio. This weekend many people are talking about going to the soccer game on Saturday, I think that would be pretty sweet. However I'm the most excited to go to some Venezuelan beaches!!! :)

I think that in the future when I join the Peace corps I am going to ask to be stationed somewhere in South or Central America. I really really love the culture here muchisimo, it is so vibrant and alive. Literally there is so much color here with houses and buildings and signs painted on the walls. I feel at times like I am on display because of my blonde hair though haha. When I put on shorts and walk outside it is as if a switch is turned on and oi piropos de cada lugar! I hope that all is well with everybody who's reading this, I'm going to game night now aka juegos de cerveza and then getting some dinner in a bit. If my host mom makes empanadas de frijoles that would COMPLETELY MAKE MY DAY, I would go crazy. I love Venezuela, and now that I feel a little more settled there are a couple things I am starting to miss but I really want to have the most fulfilling experience possible.
If we don't go to the beach este fin de semana, voy a ir de compras y el partido de futbol. Either way I'm going to explore and immerse myself in this beautiful land.


1 comment:

  1. Memories to last a life time and what a great place to be.

    Enjoy yourself but be safe.

    Paul Wesolowski
